October 6, 2009

About Me

I am a daughter of God and I appreciate everything that He has given me.  I am blessed to be in a wonderful family who have helped me develop into the person that I am today.  I currently reside in the beautiful island of Oahu, Hawaii on my last semester in the unique campus of Brigham Young University of Hawaii.  Here I met my eternal boyfriend whom I married for time and all eternity on December 18, 2008 at the Salt Lake City, Utah temple.  While happy and grateful with our life as a couple, we are in utter bliss to say that we have been blessed to enlarge our family with our first son to be born at the end of January 2009.

I decided to make this new blog to illustrate my love for art.  Creativity is a talent that I have been blessed with, which I have enjoyed developing throughout the years.  It is a way for me to express my true emotions and I just love interpreting different aspects of life in a distinctive way.  

Yet my life is ALWAYS just the beginning.